Death is an inevitable to all living things on the surface of earth. It is a fact that can withstand the test of time.

A living organism, be it of any specie has a life span that can only remain valid and untamed during its validity period.

At the awake of man in his adult age, he has realized that all living things has an expiry date, when it is time no one can undo it or take hold of the time.

Yet when anyone dies man always feels bad and takes it to the heart, this is because the dead can not be seen again. It is once in a lifetime that one man can live but when this fact comes in between them that makes it extremely impossible to have a connection again.

Agony of a man, why is it that a man cries his heart out when he losses his dear relatives.

Agony of a man, why does a man forget that he will turn to memory like the ones he is crying for.

Agony of a man, why does a man fear not the end of his time.

Agony of a man, why does a man believe in his life and forget his creator.

  • A man will feel bad because he has a heart that feels what is going on around him.

A man will always think as a living soul because a man is created to be a living organism.

Despite the fact that a man will die, the agony in his heart will never be triggered until he taste the fruit of languish.

The agony of a man is an immortal in the heart of every man, he will pass it down to his descendants.

At the demise of any relative, it is necessary to feel the remose but do not forget that an agony of man is a cross that will be carried by every organism.

Do not wait for a man to appease you before you take your heart off the feelings you have for the deceased because it will never stop until the living organisms cease to exist.

Agony of a man has overseen the existence of man and will also see through the end of the same man.

Written for the AGONY OF MAN'S HEART

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