Make money online at the comfort of your home using Zwerl chat app where you can review, answer questions, ask question on where you are most expert at.


Reading this article, you might be thinking what Zwerl is all about. But believe me at the end of this article you will have every course to rush to your google playstore to download Zwerl app. or you can register through their web address by clicking here.

This will now take me to what exactly Zwerl is all about; What is Zwerl?

Zwerl is an Android Application that allows you to chat. Zwerl does not give a privilege like Messenger, Whatsapp, Viber, Facebook to interact with your friends and relatives likewise meeting old school friends etc. but an App that you can make money on by reviewing, asking questions, answering questions with this you are helping people to solve their problems likewise making money to your pocket.

You can also refer your friends using a referral code giving to you by Zwerl and this will give you a chance to earn more on Zwerl.


Make money online sharing your expertise with Zwerl by asking and answering questions. Meet people with great ideas and make cool cash

There are several topics on Zwerl for you to dive in; if you know you are expert in it.

Hot Topics Like Relationships: Dating, Parenting, Sex Advice etc.
                   Travel: Paris, Singapore, New Delhi, Bangkok, London, New York etc.
                    Tutoring: Biology, Math, History, English, Economics etc.

                    Sport: Basketball, Cricket, Golf, Football (soccer), Formula 1, Baseball etc.
                    Translation: English/French, Italian/English, Spanish/English etc.

                    Health: Fitness, Counselling, Drugs, Diets etc.

                    Coding: C++, Java, HTML, Python etc.


 I can see you zooming your eye ball close to your mobile phone, yes it suppose to be because it is very important to spend your time doing what will benefit you on the long run.

Zwerl pays hourly; I mean hourly rate, you see how good and impressive it is to always be online at the comfort of your home, campus, office, restaurant even rest room making money.

The rate will be dependent on the subject of the assessment you take. For example if you use 40 minutes actively attending to clients, you will be paid for the 40 minutes. The remaining 20 minutes you used waiting for chat to come up will not be paid because you are not actively tending to clients.

Payments are made once a month through Direct Deposit or PayPal Account depending on your country, if you are a Nigerian you can open a PayPal Account through here. There must be a minimum of $20 before you can cash out your payment. If your balance is not up to that amount withing a month; you will need to wait for the next month till your balance is above $20.


To be very candid with you, Zwerl app is very easy to use.

There different steps to Zwerl

Step 1

Once you download the Application through Google Playstore, register and start Zwerling

Step 2

You can visit the web address and register through here and start zwerling. So simple as that.

See you on Zwerl, making money from home is one of the reasons you have data on your mobile phone.


One thing we always afraid of is our data, and application data's always occupies a lot of space on our gadgets, phones, tablets etc. but Zwerl Application consume less data which equivalent that it takes less space on your phones. It takes as less as 25mb as the application size and as less as 2.1 data on your phone.

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