No normal human; will ever be born with one leg, an average human being was born with one head, two hands and two legs. What turns a man to one legged? Its a question that we will all proffer solutions to.
Every human being does not born cruel or cold hearted but sometimes the situation we found ourselves builds us to what we are today. Some will blame their parents, some their government, do not find it funny that some will blame their religious leaders, likewise some will cast their blame on nature.
God is not cruel to anyone, he made us to live on earth and enjoy the beauties in it, and at the end death comes in and claim the life of whoever lives on earth. But before that, what makes life so miserable to some and the other a blessing? I believe the Supreme Being will be the only one to shed more light to that.
I hope you will agree with me that life is very simple and complex, it is highly sophisticated and delicate. In any difficulties you might be passing through right now or you have passed through in your life, I want you to believe that they are the work of nature. No one can cause problems into another person's life without the knowledge of God, you have being destined to be tested at a point in life that is why you are experiencing or might have passed through some difficulties, what people can do is to make it difficult for you to think of a way out, they will hinder you to make a step towards the solution to your problem.
Your parents can contribute a bit to your progress by giving you the basic knowledge of life and of God, the fundamental ways of living a good life, all others are left to your care.
Government of your precise country has nothing to do with your life, they make laws that will guide the land not the law that will determine your progress or making it in life. They are corrupt not for you to take it as an excuse or for you to see as a nemesis of your progress but as a challenge to you, for you to make it better, for you to wash their blushes away and set a new standard for your country men and women.
You are a man of great potentials and wisdom you can make good things happen for the glory of God and of your parents.
A man will never be one legged until he made himself to be.
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