As it was discussed in Episode 1,
There are many things that can initiate change traits in every human being.
I have made mention of money, poverty, peer group.
At this episode, I will like to discuss about;
- Experience
- Religion
In every dealings in life, there always been experience either professional, lifestyle, ethical, philosophical etc. Ones experience in life can propel change in dealing with one another, e.g in giving response to social environment one must be socially endowed, you must have been socialize with people, mingle with them, take part in their lifestyle by taking bow to their rules and norms. With that human can change from their original self to an entire new lifestyle. Experience matters a lot in life, if you are to manage your life the way that pleases you; then you must have pass through something similar to your intended life. A dreams comes through is not in twinkle of an eye but a journey of years along with learning either education or training. Life experience is always a lesson for some and sometimes discourage some.
All I want you all to know is that life experience should propel good things in our lifestyle not to descend our anger on others, and I also realize that what we human normally consider experience as a bad thing or unfairly treatment life treats us, in time of enjoyment and merriment we do not see it as experience but what is normal and right.
Do not be surprise, religion initiate changes in life of every human being either one way or the other. Most importantly, religion moderates our moral reasoning, how we speak, live and relate with others in the society. We are all prone to bad behaviors and the only way to moderate our lives that will align with peace of the society is to solemnly surrender our lives to the will of God and the teaching of our religious leaders.
This is where I will like to discuss about the issue of total submission to the teaching of religious leaders, at some point religious leaders are also human being they can do and undo, they can turn to something else we just need to ask of God's wisdom in every dealings, we should ask for His will to be done so that we will not go astray like a sheep without a shepherd.
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